Shelby County Community Charity held our first Long Run 5K
on April 21, 2012. Even though the weather didn’t exactly cooperate we had a great turn-out! There were over 170 registered participants including over 20 students participating from Cornerstone Christian Academy and Heritage Elementary! We love to see the future leaders in our community getting out there to celebrate good health and charitable giving! We look forward to making this an annual event in conjunction with the Shelby County Park’s Health and Family Fitness Day every spring! Thanks to all those that came out to participate or volunteer for our event!!! Thank you to all the corporate sponsors that made our event such a success!!!!

Bemis – $1,000
Kentucky Farm Bureau Insurance – $400
Remax Performance Realty – $250
H Barry Smith Realtors and Auctioneers – $250
Citizens Union Bank – $250
Dairy Queen of Shelbyville – $250
Pediatric Dentristry of Shelbyville – $250
Turner Insurance Agency – $250
Lindsey Wilson College – $250